COVID (tools for remote screening) tools birth to 5 years ECTA
Database of tools: DISABILITY MEASURES Website of database to multiple free disability evaluation tools Developmental Monitoring and Screening CDC site provides Overview, "how to" tables, & links screening tool links Early Childhood Developmental Screening: A Compendium of Measures (Birth to 5) OPRE (Office of Planning, Reseaerch and Evaluation) Screening: Links to policies and info on instruments ECTA (Early Childhood Technical Assitance Ctr.) Screening Tool Finder STAR Center (AAP's Screening Technical Assistance & Resource Ctr.) Screening Tools Comparison Table 20 instruments: Age; # of items; Admin. time, Psychometric properties; Cultural considerations) AAP (2020; Lipkin PH et al.) Statistics in Plain English Shows "bell curve" w/comparisons of T-score, %, standard scores, scale socres Symptom Checker - electronic Child Mind Institute tool for parents (may help clinicians) Abuse & Neglect
Practicing Safety
AAP modules to identify risk & help w/prevention ACES Adverse Childhood Experiences
ACES Aware
Screen. Treat. Heal. A program of State of Calif. Dep't. of Health Care Services
CRAFFT y español o enlace directo está aquí̇́ Alcohol & drug screening; CRAFFT website
HEADSS Adolescent psychosocial assessment Adolescent SBIRT Toolkit for Providers Screening, Brief Intervention & Referral for Treatment for EtOH and Other Drug Use (Boston Children's Hospital) S2BI (Screening to Brief Intervention) Quick, online NIH screening tool for substance use that triages the adolescent into level-of-risk group, and management TeenScreen Primary Care Questionnaire overview for PSC-Y, PHQ-9 & CRAFFT Aggression
Functional Analysis Screening Tool (FAST) Identify in verbal, social and/or cognitively impaired individuals if maladaptive behavior is maintained due to attention, escape, sensory stimulation, or pain. FAST website
Modified Overt Aggression Scale Rate and track aggression Anxiety
GAD-7 General Anxiety Disorder-7) Age 12+. Online self-administered & automatic scoring; 7 questions; Featured on MDCalc
Hamilton Anxiety Scale Children thru adults. Online clinician-administered & automatic scoring; 14 questions; Featured on MDCalc PHQ (Patient Health Questionnaire) & Scoring Self-administered adult screen for anxiety, depression, alcohol, eating. Many languages available. Preschool Anxiety Scale + Scoring & Interpretation Adapted from Spence Children's Anxiety Scale. Download free. SCARED (Screen for Childhood Anxiety-Related Disorders:Child Self-Report) and Multiple other languages Includes scoring SCARED: Parent-Report Includes scoring Spence Children's Anxiety Scale Includes scoring, parent- and child-versions, many languages Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Cardiovascular Screening:
Pre-stimulants cardiac screening checklist (per anonymous M.D. source) Pre-stimulants treatment ECG findings: Table of recommendations (per April '08 American Heart Assn) Pre-stimulants ECG: AAP response to AHA AAP ADHD Clinical Screening Instruments: SNAP-IV Rating Scale SNAP-IV Scoring SNAP-IV Color copy with instructions SNAPDSM-5 version SNAP & SWAN website Includes both printable instruments AAP - Vanderbilt-ADHD Letter AAP - Vanderbilt - ADHD Introduction AAP - Vanderbilt - Initial Evaluation Form AAP - Vanderbilt - Parent Form y español o enlace directo está aquí AAP - Vanderbilt - Teacher Form AAP - Vanderbilt - Parent Follow-up Form AAP - Vanderbilt - Teacher Follow-up Form AAP - Vanderbilt - Scoring Instructions AAP - Vanderbilt - Scoring Sample AAP - Vanderbilt - Cover Letter to Teachers AAP - Management Plan Sample 1 AAP - Management Plan Sample 2 AAP - How to Establish School-Home Daily Report Card AAP - Stimulant Medication Management AAP - Does My Child Have ADHD? AAP - Evaluating Your Child for ADHD AAP - For Parents of Kids with ADHD AAP - What to do for sleep problems and ADHD AAP - Educational Rights and ADHD AAP - Homework Tips and ADHD AAP - ADHD Work with your child's school AAP - Coding Fact Sheet for ADHD AAP - Billing Encounter Form AAP - Documentation for Reimbursement AAP - ADHD Internet Resources NICHQ - Vanderbilt forms & related Diagnosis, Treatment, Parent info & Resources forms ADHD: Preschool-age Preschool [ADHD rating scale-IV preschool version] Requires Password ADHD: Adults Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale Includes scoring instructions Copeland Symptom Checklist Identifies 8 categories to gather cognitive, social, & emotional symptoms associated w/ADHD Autism
Adult autism screening tools Via the ARC (Autism Research Centre). Multiple tools
Autism Screening Tool Kit for Primary Care Providers by Developmental Pediatrician Alison Schonwald, MD; Boston Children's Hospital CAST Childhood Asperger Syndrome Test For youth 4 years - 11 years. Not standardized, but cut-off is suggested. CSBS DP Infant-Toddler Checklist 6 - 24 months; Seven key predictors of later language/social delay or atypicality Comparison in Dev't between Typical Kids and/or Kids w/Delays Table (birth - 3), by Volkmar "Detect Autism. Act Early": CDC Link for parents (and professionals) DSM-5 Autism Diagnosis criteria Empathy v Systemizing (for Adults) Simon Baron-Cohen's 4 screens that suggest autistic traits. MCHAT and MCHAT official website screening for children 16 - 48 months of age MCHAT-R/F Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers - Revised with Followup (2013); official website & online MCHAT-R/F w/instant scoring First Signs screening tools link Interview Template Interviewing parents along 3 domains (social, communication & interests) POSI (Parent's Observations of Social Interaction) 7-question tool to screen children 16 - 35 months of age; Part of SWYC; Cerebral Palsy
Ashworth Scale-Modified & Original Scale Measure of spasticity & tone
Care Pathways AACPDM practical algorithm of guidelines for an aspect of care Comparison in Dev't between Typical Kids and CP Early Diagnosis of CP - Primitive and Postural Reflexes GMFCS Illustrations of 5 levels (kids 6 to 12 years) Gross Motor Classification System GMFCS Illustrations of 5 levels (teens 12 to 18 years) Gross Motor Classification System GMFCS Gross Motor Classification System (2007 version) GMFCS Video 7-min. video of the 5 classifications, from CanChild Gross Motor Skills - Expected vs. Delayed/Deviant HipScreen Phone app (free) for online measurement and monitoring of hips in kids w/CP Hip Surveillance Australian Hip Surveillance Guidelines for children with CP (2014) Hypertonia Assessment Tool (HAT) Research and clinical guide for grading hypertonia severity in kids. Free, but requires download. Dr. Darcy Fehlings of CP Discovery Lab in Toronto Constipation
Bristol Stool Chart Picture and description guide to the 7 types of stool
CESD (Ctr. for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale) 20-item online self-report (teens & adults)
Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale 18 years and up; 10-item diagnostic questionnaire to assess changes with medication MFQ (Mood & Feelings Questionnaire) Ages 6 to 19 years. Child self-report & parent-report versions. PHQ-9 (Patient Health Questionnaire) 9-item primary care scale for depression severity & treatment monitoring (background info on PHQ) Severity Measure for Depression Adolescents 11 - 17 years, adapted from PHQ-9 modified for adolescents Developmental Milestones - Typical
Ages & Stages birth-to-5 years (milestones) & birth-to-21 years (guidance) (
Cognitive Development birth-to-2 years Cognitive Screening NIH Toolbox (requires iPad; ages 3-to-adult; Executive Function, Attention, Memory, Language Cognitive-Motor: Draw-A-Person Test Goodenough-Harris Test Development birth-thru-adolescence (Child Development Institute) Development: Pathways birth-to-15 months (in English & multiple languages) Developmental Milestones birth-to-24 months Developmental Milestones birth-to-5 years (CDC/NCBDDD) w/Milestones In Action photos & VIDEOS Developmental Milestones birth-to-6 years (7 categories). Source: Div. of Dev. Med, Seattle Children's. Developmental Milestones birth-to-6 years (7 categories). Source: PIR (July 2010) Developmental Milestones, reflexes & red flags birth-to-6 years (7 categories). PIR (Jan '16) Developmental Milestones 1-month to 8-years (7 categories) (Council on Children w/Disabilities, 2012) Developmental Milestones 1-month to 5 years (Child Mind Institute) Gross Motor Development (typical v. delayed) birth-to-12 months Integrating Developmental Screening into Primary Care Practice Motor Development birth-to-2 years Motor/Physical Development: Typical v. Atypical Cartoon videos, AAP; for parents Multi-Media Developmental Screening birth-to-5 years Videos, Milestones, Other ( PEDS Child Dev't Screening Test and online (free trial available) PEDS:DM (aka PEDS Tools) birth-to-8 years Psychosocial Dev't birth-to-2 years Reflexes Primitive reflexes (pictures + descriptions + age of disappearance) Bates' Guide Speech, Play, and Physical Development birth-to-15 months Diversity & Disparities
County Health Rankings How healthy is your community? (search by ZIP Code)
Diversity Data Kids Datasets on many indices that you select to demographics (age, ethnicity, neighborhood) and their associated opportunities Kids Cout Data Center Find demographics based on neighborhood (Annie E. Casey Foundation) Drooling
Dysmorphology & Congenital anomalies
Human Pathology features photos; search by history or exam finding
Minor Congenital Anomalies Checklist of physical examination findings Environment
Children of Alcoholics Screening Test (CAST) For kids & adolescents whose parent(s) may have alcohol abuse/dependence
Family Psychosocial Questionnaire by Kathi Kemper, MD, Boston Children's to assess family-based risk factors StimQ: Cognitive Home Environment NYU tool for kids 5-72 months; measures home cognitive stimulation Fetal Alcohol Spectrum
General Screening
AAP - Medical Home Screening and Surveillance website
AAP - Periodicity Schedule (aka Recommendations for Preventive Pediatric Healthcare) Birth To 5 Surveillance Tool from WA State "Kids Get Care" Bright Futures: Guidelines for Health Supervision (regular and Pocket guide) Bright Futures in Practice: Screening Nutrition, Mental Health and Physical Activity Bright Futures (Spanish version) Children w/Special Health Care Needs Screener (thru CAHMI) - parent-based 5-item survey to determine if child has a "special need" Guide for DBP Screening Children's Bureau Express; US DHHS; Team approach, tools, Birth to 5: Watch Me Thrive! NIH Toolbox: Assessment of Neurological & Behavioral Function (Specific tools) For 3-85 years old (cognition, emotion, motor & sensation) Genetics and Metabolic Support
Gene Tests Medical genetics resources for clinicians
National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) NIH agency Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) Info on all known Mendelian disorders SimulConsult Computer program that provides differential diagnosis based on findings Treatable Intellectual Disability Tool to identify treatable metabolic disorders. Download app Infants
Developmental Skills Check for Children with History of Extreme Prematurity multi-media tool for physicians and nurse practitioners
Extremely Preterm Birth Outcomes tool NIH online tool providing risk for various Neurodevelopmental outcomes based on gestational age, birth weight, etc. HINE (Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination) 2 - 24 months; Early detection, diagnosis, prognosis of infants at high risk for cerebral palsy (FACT SHEET) Medical Home
Child Health Notes WA State Medical Home resource for screening and surveillance generally and on specific topics
Well-Child Guidelines checklist for families to determine non-medical needs for kids with special needs Movement & Coordination
AIMS (Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale) Detection of Tardive Dyskinesia in patients taking neuroleptic Rx
AIMS - Instructions Neuromuscular Disorders (NMDs). Excellent for healthcare providers (videos, algorithms, etc.). Nat'l Task Force for Early ID of NMDs CTIM-P (Child Tourette's Syndrome Impairment Scale: Parent report about child) Storch et. al 2007 [Password] Developmental Coordination Disorder Questionnaire 5 - 15 year-olds (for parents) MOVES Motor tic, Obsession & compulsion, & Vocal tic Evaluation Scale (Gaffney et al, 1994) [Password] PUTS Premonitory Urge for Tics Scale Tics Tools Comparison Tables: Screening for Tic and for Tics/Urges (Martino et al 2017) YGTSS Yale Global Tic Severity Scale (Leckman et al, 1989) Neurological
Oral Health
Post-partum Depression
Poverty & Child Health
Accountable Health Communities (AHC) Health-Related Social Needs Screening Tool Social determinants of health; determines unmet health-related social needs
Hunger Vital Sign & 11 languages 2 questions regarding food security Screening Tools from AAP Includes 5 separate tools Psychosocial
Baby Pediatric Symptom Checklist (BPSC) 12-question tool to screen children 1 - 18 months of age; Part of SWYC
Emotion Screening NIH Toolbox (requires iPad; ages 3-to-adult; age-dependent variables) Family Psychosocial Screen (website) Parental depression, Substance abuse, Domestic violence, Parental history of abuse, Social supports Mental Health Screening & Assessment Tools for Primary Care American Academy of Pediatrics Pediatric Symptom Checklist 35-question tool. Parent proxy (for children age 6 years and up) & youth self- report (age 11 years and up) versions Pediatric Symptom Checklist-17 17-question version & scoring Preschool Pediatric Symptom Checklist (PPSC) 18-question tool to screen children 18 - 60 months of age; Part of SWYC PROMIS for kids & adults. Measures physical, mental, & social health [Northwestern U. via NIH grant] Strengths & Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) (website) 25-item parent+teacher+self behavioral screening [emotion, conduct, hyperactivity, peer problems, prosocial behavior] 3-16 year olds. Many languages. Auto-scoring. Survey of Wellbeing of Young Children (SWYC) From Tufts Medical Center; tools to screen social, family & developmental well-being for children 2 months to 5 years old. English, Spanish, Burmese & Nepali WE-CARE Parent-completed screen: Well-child visit; Eval.; Community resources; Advocacy; Referral; Ed. Quality of Life
Neuro-QOL for kids & adults w/neurological conditions [Northwestern U. via NIH grant]
Get Ready To Read readiness screening tool for 4-year-olds
Developmental Regression labs table Table of neurological regression conditions and screening labs
BEARS Sleep Screening Algorithm
Children's Sleep Habits Questionnaire and Scoring Form and research article (Owens et al, 2000) Children's Sleep Habits Questionnaire Abbreviated version Epworth Sleepiness Scale Measure of excessive daytime sleepiness Pediatric Sleep CGI scale (Clinical Global Impressions) Measures severity of sleep problems & response to interventions in kids w/ASD and other NDV disorders. Based on this JDBP article (2016) Pediatric Daytime Sleepiness Scale (PDDS) Iowa Sleep Disorders Center REM v. Non-REM Parasomnias Comparison table (2010) Sleep Diary 2-week diary from AASM to be completed by patient, interpreted by clinician Sleep Self-Report (Child) Boston Children's Hospital Sleep Center form to help uncover sleep habits Suicide
Suicide Screening From UW "All Patients Safe" Resources and References
Temperament Screen based on Chess & Thomas
Violence Prevention
Connected Kids American Academy of Pediatrics
| Last modified: 11/18/2020 |